1 | Guo W F, Dong X L, Cao Z F, et al. Efficient attribute-based searchable encryption on cloud storage[C]//Journal of physics: Conference series. IOP Publishing, 2018, 1087(5): 052001. |
3.3 Constructions
In our scheme, we use inverted index structure as introduced above and implement searchable encryption with AND gate as access control. The scheme consists of 5 main algorithms. We introduce them in detail as below:
We suppose all the attributes are included in set $U=\lbrace attr_1,attr_2,···,attr_n \rbrace$, where n is the size of $U$. For each attribute $attr_i(1 \le i \le n)$, there has 2 values $v_i$ and $\neg v_i$. If the attributes set $Attr$ of one data user include attribute $attr_i(1 \le i \le n)$, the value of $attr_i$ is $v_i$ and the value of $attr_i$ is $\neg v_i$ if $attr_i$ is not in $Attr$. To formalize the description of attributes, we adopt the value of attribute to represent whether user’s set contains this attribute.
该段用于初始化用户属性集合,将用户总体属性集合$U=\lbrace attr_1, attr_2, ··· , attr_n \rbrace$中存在的属性置为$v_i$,而不存在的属性置为$\neg v_i$,举个例子就是用户$A$的属性集合为$U=\lbrace v_1, \neg v_2, ··· , v_n \rbrace$。
Given a bilinear group $e : G \times G \to G_T$ , $p$ as prime order of $G$ and $G_T$ , and $H : {\lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace}^* \to Z_p$ as an one-way hash function, randomly select three numbers $a, b, c \gets Z_p$, a set $\lbrace r_1, r_2, · · · , r_{2n}\rbrace \gets Z_p$ and a set $\lbrace x_1, x_2, · · · , x_{2n} \rbrace \gets G$. Set $u_i = g ^ {-r_i}$ and $y_i = e(x_i, g)$, where $1 \le i \le 2n$. Then, output the public key $pk = (g, g^a, g^b, g^c, (u_i, y_i)|1 \le i \le 2n)$ and the master key $msk = (a, b, c, (r_i, x_i)|1 \le i \le 2n)$.
这一步是初始化公钥$pk$和主密钥$msk$。双线性映射定义了两个素数p阶群乘法循环群$G$,$G_T$,循环群的意思是,群$G$中的每一个元素都是$G$中某一个固定元素q的乘方。$e : G \times G \to G_T$表示分别从循环群$G$中提取元素,并进行某种运算可以得到$G_T$中的元素,这里的e就是映射算法。$H : {\lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace}^* \to Z_p$,即一个散列函数,它将有限长度的二进制字符串作为输入,并输出素数p阶循环群的一个元素。从 $Z_p$ 群和 $G$ 群中随机挑选三个元素$a,b,c$和两个集合$\lbrace r_1, r_2, · · · , r_{2n}\rbrace, \lbrace x_1, x_2, · · · , x_{2n} \rbrace$,集合$u_i = g ^ {-r_i}$,集合$y_i = e(x_i, g)$,其中,$g$ 是$G$群中的随机元素,综上构成公钥$pk = (g, g^a, g^b, g^c, (u_i, y_i)|1 \le i \le 2n)$ 和主密钥 $msk = (a, b, c, (r_i, x_i)|1 \le i \le 2n)$。
According to the above, the search token $tok$ can match with the $cphW$ in the ciphertext $cph$, if the attributes of data user can satisfy the access policy used for encrypting the keyword. The $cphF$ in cph should be downloaded afterwards and returned to the data user.
ps: Hexo中编写数学公式时,对符号 ‘ 的支持不好,会导致转化为html中的公式无法解析,进而导致页面混乱。